
If you would like to join

Membership is open to all. However, the Society expects that members will commit themselves to the group and participate with events, meetings and exhibitions.

The annual subscription is currently GBP 25.00 for a single membership and GBP 35.00 for a family couple. Students under eighteen pay GBP 5.00 and visitors pay GBP 5.00.

To join, please complete a membership form which also contains details of how to pay and where to send the form.

A membership card with programme details will be sent to you.

A membership form can be downloaded here.

Visitors to demonstrations pay £5 per visit.  

To contact us

For more information contact the Chair, Jenny Riley on 01666 840682 or email moc.kooltuo@aidem.trayrubtet

Our meeting venue

Our meetings kick off in February 2024 at the Tetbury Library (GL8 8DU). As of May 2024, our regular meetings will shift to Tetbury’s Priory Inn (GL8 8JJ). These meetings take place from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm, providing members with an interactive platform.
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2024, and social gathering, will be hosted on March 20th at the Tetbury Goods Shed Arts Centre.

Your own gallery page

All members are entitled to their own page in the Members’ Gallery.

To ensure accurate representation, please include the following information: artist name, artwork name, medium used, size of the painting, price (including whether it is framed or not), and contact information. Additionally, if you have any external links you would like to include, please provide them as well.
Please send the info and images to the following address:


Your committee

HRH The Former Prince of Wales

Jenny Riley

Vice Chair
Helen Murgatroyd

Hon. Treasurer
Hazel Cudmore

Hon. Secretary
Jane Adamczyk

Membership Secretary

Exhibition Secretary Sub committee
Jackie Sapp, Christine Dack, 

Publicity Secretary
Anne Weston

Programme Secretary Sub committee

Social Secretary
Barry Barnes

Other members may be co-opted on to the Committee as necessary.